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Graphic Design


Social Media

Pitch Deck Creation


Fleishman Hillard


Experience Gained

I worked at Fleishman Hillard from June 2019 through the end of December 2019. Through the projects I was given, I gained experience with Instagram story creation, Twitter graphics creation, pitch deck design, copywriting for websites and social media, social media scheduling, collecting and reporting data analytics, and media pitching.



I was able to work on clients such as Amgen, Arby’s Foundation, Boston Consulting Group, Cashmaster, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Carnegie Mellon University, Dentistry for Children, Global Payments Network, Kefi, Northside Hospital, Philips, PPG, and the US Army. The primary account that I worked on every day was Northside Hospital. Due to confidentiality, I will only be able to show very few projects from the internship.

Northside Hospital

For the Northside account, I was in charge of creating Twitter graphics, Instagram stories, and patient summaries as well as monthly analytic reports and social media scheduling. To be ahead of our content calendar, I followed through with patient and doctor interviews regularly.


Patient Stories

Conducting patient and doctor interviews was the first step to creating content for Northside Hospitals website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. During the internship, I completed 20+ patient stories that were posted to the Northside Hospital website. Contact me to read a copy of my work.


Instagram stories content was created around recommendations and recipes given by Northside dietitians, doctors, and patients. Below are four example stories I created.


Twitter graphics were created around awareness months as well as doctor and dietician quotes. Below are five examples of graphics I created.